Your fiber optic infrastructure is critical to your ongoing operations. As such, it’s important to keep your network operating at its optimal level. With years of network systems maintenance experience, our team members understand the need for business continuity and the impact a system outage could have on your operations. Our maintenance services encompass the physical outside plant infrastructure and inside plant electronics.
network maintenance
Our operations and maintenance program incorporates preventative, routine and emergency maintenance services to keep your network functioning properly. We perform regularly scheduled maintenance checks, routinely inspect your network and make necessary repairs/modifications to keep the system functioning at peak performance. And, in the event of service interruption, we will dispatch a local certified technician to the scene of the incident to restore service in the most efficient and timely manner.
network monitoring
eX² offers network monitoring services for the systems we install and maintain. With around-the-clock coverage, we offer you 24/7/365 peace of mind with a dedicated support line.
watch & protect services
Active construction near your fiber optic system can create a significant threat to your operations. We will coordinate with construction contractors, utilities and others on your behalf to ensure your asset is properly marked to avoid any damages or negative impact to the system.
Moves, adds & changes
When modifications to your infrastructure asset are necessary, you can trust eX² Technology to mitigate any potential impact. Through careful planning and consultation, we can help to provide continuous operation of your system, so you can focus on what’s important to you.